Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Mountain

I haven't shown it to you for a while so here is the view as I was coming back from a meeting on Friday.  I'm still not tired of it.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The letter B

This weekend has been brought to you by the letter B.
Beer and Bread (Hungarian fried)
 Boys (well men actually, from France) in Bins
 Bagpipes!  That combo can only happen at Womad and although the weather was challenging due to the fringe of Cyclone Luci it didn't stop the music or the dancing.
 And when I wasn't at Womad it was Baskets at my first weaving weekend.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sooo last week

Last week the town was full of cars, now we have a street art festival happening.  Where the cars were here and gone the art is hopefully going to be with us for a while making some pretty average walls look really stunning.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Big Boys Toys

and little boys, and quite a few girls too.  AmeriCARna is back in town and having toured the region during the week, today they shut down the CBD for one huge toyfest.