Sunday, July 22, 2018

Washing X 3

Today has been for washing of all sorts.  Laundry because I didn't get to do it yesterday.  Flax drying, a continuous job.
My last lot of washing is feathers from Albatross.  Yesterday the weavers gathered for a day long workshop and this is part of the result - pelts and wing tips that are soaking in Sunlight soap solution.
The grater is not something I usually keep in my bath.  If you grate the soap it dissolves better.

House Moved

Quietly in the night. This was the same bite the next morning.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Moving House

Growing up 'moving house' meant you packed up all your stuff and went from one house to another.  Since I've come back to New Zealand I've had to remember that here it has an extra meaning - literally moving a house.

There are a huge number of little (and not so little) wooden houses that are easy to jack up and put on the back of a truck and it's happening to a cottage around the corner.