Sunday, April 24, 2016

Off the Grid

I have just come back from a week off the grid at Parihaka, back in Tarakani about 40mins round the coast from New Plymouth.  The community there was established in the late 1800s and is well known for it's history as a community of peaceful resistance.

First was the monthly Rā or Days which are held every 18th and 19th and then I was part of hosting the annual Māori Librarians and Information Workers conference.  On our first day we heard stories of the history of Parihaka and from local people who are working to record, preserve and pass on history, practices and taonga/treasures.  On the second day we walked the land, visiting spots that we had heard about the day before.
On top of one of the surrounding lahar or volcanic hills looking out to sea

From the same hill looking inland over the community
And I finished my weaving project too! 14 little baskets for speakers gifts.  The Anzac poppy brooches were woven by another committee member and the little mountains made for us by a local potter.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Stocking Up

Wellington Fashion Rule #1 - Black tights go with everything and everything goes with black tights.

A bit like Melbourne, the dominant colour in winter Wellington is black and although during the summer you do see lots of other colours black tights are a regular feature.  Something to do, no doubt with the ever present southerly wind.

So, the days are getting shorter and the mornings are crisp and cool.  Winter is on the way and I've realised that my small collection of black tights is probably not going to be enough.  Thank goodness that they are such a staple that they are in the supermarket - at the end of the biscuit and coffee aisle.  Coincidence?  I think not.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Productive Weekend

All that prep work over Easter has led to a productive weekend, two thirds of the way through the 12 that I need to make.