Images from a morning walk taken as a small counterbalance to a solid diet of fruit mince pies, Christmas cake and ham/turkey sandwiches for the next week and if I’m being totally honest, a bit of last week too.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Festive Fish
What weaving we did do was fun things just because so I now have a little school of fish.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Getting Festive
It’s hot, muggy and still light at 9pm. The Pōhutukawa is finally flowering and we’ve had our work end-of-year lunch. Tinsel, lights and fruit mince pies are everywhere. But the topper (so far) to the signs it’s almost Christmas has been spotted in the new brew shop down the street…
No idea if the are full or empty but extra points for best use of a spider plant.
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Well technically not my booster shot but a third ‘primary’ shot because of possibly being immune compromised which I keep forgetting about.
But, third time’s a charm because I finally got a Band-Aid and handed a lollipop!
I should explain that in every single vax promo (celebrity, politician, paid actor) the person gets a bandaid over the injection spot. I’ve felt a teeny tiny bit ripped off the last two times but different vaccinator, different technique and finally a bandaid!
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Hui Two
We also visited Aunty’s garden and amongst other things, planted kumera. Our local contact has promised progress photos!
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Hui One Done
November is crazy busy with a shed load of work stuff including not one, but two hui away in Hawkes Bay. I’ve just got back from the first one and it was just what was needed: a small group (because Covid) a relaxed but full agenda and lots of time to catch up with old friends.

Saturday, November 13, 2021
It’s been a big, complicated week that is perfectly summed up by this picture…
Working from home, four screens (5 if you count my phone), coffee and snacks close to hand. Three of those screens are work, the fourth is my personal laptop also being pressed into work use to join a conference with software my work laptop wasn’t super happy with.Saturday, November 6, 2021
Maximum Load
Mask mandates can lead to a heavy workout for the average ear: mask, glasses, earrings and in this case flower for a Pasifika exhibition opening.
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Supporting Local
From right to left that two fruit sours, three stouts and a third sour that’s been aged in Pinot Noir barrels. Also interesting to note that cans are back.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Voting Now
It’s that time again when one of the most contentious and hotly contested elections grips the nation. Not at all political but definitely partisan it’s time to elect the 2021 Bird of the Year!
As well as raising awareness of our endangered wildlife there is, like any good election, fundraising merch and in at least one respect they have totally nailed it.
Behold the Kākāpō (BotY 2008 & 2020) Allbirds Tree Runners. Super comfy, sustainably produced and flash as.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Super Saturday
Saturday, October 9, 2021
I keep an eye on the top left corner of my phone. Why? My provider changes their identifier to reflect what’s going on and recently that’s been greetings to support various Language Weeks.
Stay Safe in Samoan while we were in lockdown
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Today was a weaving day but instead of actual weaving we experimented with natural dying. The results are everything from muddy brown to bright yellows and red and open up all sorts of interesting possibilities.
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021
Got My Mojo Back!
Just like last lockdown I’ve found it difficult to weave over the last few weeks; head not in the right space, routine out of wack. Not helped by missing the return to weaving group last week because I was waiting for COVID test results (negative, definitely hay fever). But I was back at weaving on Thursday to a catch up on what I missed last weekend and now I’m powering on with my latest project at my fully adjustable weaving station aka the ironing board and new hairdresser stool that’s really good for posture.
Nikau palm kete kai/food basket
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Last Days
We’re now in Level 2 but honestly, apart from shops being more open there’s not a lot of difference for me. Still working from home and will be next week too as work is taking a super cautious approach to getting people back into the office.
So, what to share? I have, quite accidentally, taken almost the same photo on my almost daily walk.
Last day at Level 4
And last day at Level 3As you can see we are experiencing all the joys of spring including gale force winds and torrential rain alternating with beautiful calm days. One of the advantages of working from home is definitely being able to do laundry in a weather sweet spot!
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Staying In
Most of the country moved to Level 3 on Wednesday and the first thing most of the country did was get a ‘proper’ coffee and/or takeaways. I held out until Friday then went the whole hog, text and collect coffee in the afternoon…
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Going out
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Lockdown Life
So we are back in Level 4, working from home and with essential services only open. Someone was reading the tea leaves though because a couple of weeks ago the COVID Tracer app had an upgrade and now includes an ‘I stayed home’ option.
Feeling good about not going anywhere except the supermarket and the dairy.Saturday, August 7, 2021
Not Black
When it’s been cold and wet and you mostly wear many layers of black fabulous socks are essential.
Luckily over the last few birthdays and Christmases I’ve been gifted a wonderful collection of which today’s laundry is a small sample.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Second COVID shot done exactly 21 days after the first and I mean exactly. To the minute and even with the same vaccinator.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
How Wide is a Cat’s Bum?
This was a critical question when the new windows were going in. Not for the windows themselves but for the sills that are prime street watching spots at the front of the house. After much discussion with my lovely (fellow cat slave) builder we settled on 10-15cm. Decision roundly and voluntarily endorsed
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Rose Path
Today some of the Hikoikoi weavers visited the Port Nic Hand Weavers. Even though we are harakeke weavers and they are loom weavers there are a lot of similarities, mostly the amount of prep required and the patterns. Rose Path is any kind of repetitive pattern, we know this particular one as Patiki.
As you can see we got to bring home our work which was super special.Sunday, July 11, 2021
Ahi Ka
There are very definite rewards for getting up at stupid o’clock, not once but twice, in one week.
It’s Matariki/Māori New Year and getting up before dawn to see the stars of Matariki is becoming more popular.
The view from work on Monday morning after being up at Tangi Te Keo/Mt Victoria.
Gathering around the fire on the foreshore this morning with the extended whānau of Hikoikoi where we weave.The words around the amazing fire pit are the names of the 9 stars of the Matariki cluster.
Saturday, July 3, 2021
I got my first COVID jab this week. Originally I thought I was in Group 4 aka Everybody Else and would have to wait until well into the second half of the year. Turns out my doctor thinks differently. A couple of weeks ago I got my Group 3 call up as I apparently have ‘underlying health issues’, well that’s the only thing on the list that makes sense. And this time I got a lollipop!