Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Not the weather, my right shoulder. For no particular reason it has locked up, confirmed by a doctor and a physio. This means that lifting my arms as far as they can go leaves me looking like I'm practicing semaphore, like this.

The worst thing about it is that I haven't fallen, knocked into anything or been giving lineout lessons to the All Blacks (which they need) and according to the experts it takes as long as it takes for it to unlock. I just have to keep working on it at the gym and hopefully it will loosen up in under 12 months, the length of time it might take according to the same experts.

Please note gym clothes and be impressed with my dedication to my treatment. Also good incentive to get off my rear and get there more than once a week.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Hi Dale!

I like the semaphore look - very fetching, and particularly useful in a coastal town like New P, iw ould imagine.

Be good, do your exercises, learn to drink left-handed and you should be fine in a while.

Take care.
